Period: 2018/06-08 Country: Sweden Description: Duplex Pipe installation and welding, new refuel units at AGA
Period: 2017/Mai — Oct Country: Sweden Description: Building district heating pipelines in Lund DN 500-200-100-80
Period: Jönköping Feb/Dec 2017, Country: Sweden Description: Установка труб между испарителем и компрессором + трубопроводы,
Period: 2019 Country: Sweden Description: District heating pipeline mounting and welding Contract type: Frame contract
Period: 2013/04 — 07 Country: Sweden Description: The new pipeline Dn 300 between fuel depot
Period: 2013/06-09 Country: Sweden Description: Installation between Evaporator and compressor + pipelines cross cooling hall,
Period: 2013/07-09 Country: Sweden Description: Pipe installation and welding Contract type: Mounting Welding Subcontractor Period:
Period: 2007/07-08 Country: Sweden Description: Repairing gas pipeline in a tunnel, highest safety level needed
Period: Apr-Jun, 2018 Country: Sweden, Sälen Description: Installation and welding pipes Task: Installation of prefabricated
Period: 2006-2007 Country: Sweden, Stockholm Description: Mounting welding contractor Task: We were the main mounting/welding